Apple has reduced the price of the 13-inch MacBook Air M2 model, offering a flat discount of Rs 20,000 at Apple stores. The laptop, previously priced at Rs 1,19,900, is now available for Rs 99,900. This discount also extends to students and teachers, who can purchase the laptop for as low as Rs 89,900 through official Apple outlets.
For those interested in the new model, the 13-inch MacBook Air with M3 starts at Rs 1,14,900, or Rs 1,04,900 for educational purposes. Customers can place orders for the new MacBook Air with M3 starting March 4 through Apple’s online and offline channels, with deliveries starting on March 8.
Is it worth investing in the MacBook Air M2 after the price cut? Yes, if it aligns with your budget and offers substantial savings from Apple. However, for a slightly higher price, individuals can opt for the latest Air model with the M3 chip, priced at Rs 1,04,900 under Apple’s educational offer. This option provides comparable pricing to the M2 model, especially for those eligible for educational discounts.
Alternatively, those uninterested in the MacBook Air M3 version can still benefit from the MacBook Air M2. It boasts a sleek design with a brighter, larger display and trimmed bezels. Powered by Apple’s latest M2 processor, also found in the high-end 13-inch MacBook Pro 2022 model, it delivers reliable performance for everyday tasks, though it may struggle with heavier workloads.
The MacBook Air M2 features a 1080p camera for decent video quality. The absence of speaker grills in the 2022 model offers a cleaner aesthetic, with two tweeters and two woofers positioned between the keyboard and display. Additionally, it supports Spatial Audio technology and Dolby Atmos for an immersive audio experience.
Picture Courtesy: Apple India